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Amy & Rory’s Days in the TARDIS Are Numbered


Amy & Rory’s Days in the TARDIS Are Numbered

Home / Amy & Rory’s Days in the TARDIS Are Numbered
Column Doctor Who

Amy & Rory’s Days in the TARDIS Are Numbered


Published on December 16, 2011


After a recent press screening of the Doctor Who Christmas special; “The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe” show runner Steven Moffat spoke to the press about the future of the show. Notably, he mentioned that current companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams will be returning to hang out with our favorite Time Lord, but won’t be staying on for much longer than a few stories. Here’s the quote from Moffat:

“Amy and Rory will be rejoining us next series and joining the Doctor back on the TARDIS, but the final days of the Ponds are coming – and during the next series. I’m not telling you when and certainly not telling you how. But that story is going to come to a heartbreaking end. There are only so many more adventures with the lovely Amy and the lovely Rory. So that story, next series, during the series will be over. And then the Doctor is going to meet a new friend – and I’m not going to tell you anything about he, she or it!.. Who knows? It is Doctor Who. There’s a universe of people to choose from.”

What does everyone think? Will Amy and Rory go out painfully? Or will they just get dropped off again?

[News via Bleeding Cool]

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Stubby the Rocket


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